Tuesday, July 24, 2012


9/16/2012 Sunday Morning- Bro. Joseph Martin

"Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell"
Scriptures: Romans 8:35-39, Acts 2: 22-28
 -Between you and the door there is always opposition, but AFTER you've held on...."YOU WALK INTO YOUR DESTINY"
-There is always an end to the battle: 2 ways battle can end either you win or the devil wins (its up to you)
-God is never going to send you into battle without being equiped with full armour!
-Some people don't know that the devil is not God's opposite, because he does not have the same power God has... he is a fallen angel.

Sunday Evening- Bro. Joseph Martin

"Show me thy Glory"
Scriptures: Psalm 24: 1-10, Exodus 33:18-23
-It is HOLINESS or hell
-Christians need to grow up and seek the Lord
-Leave the sinful things of this world alone and be seperate from the world

9/23/2012 Sunday Morning- Pastor Yielding

"Chosen and ordained"
Scriptures: John 15:1-17
-God picked(chose) us to do his work, we ALL have a SPECIFIC job and in that job he qualifies us giving us the ability to do what he wants.
-What the devil intends for bad God will turn it around for our good!

Sunday Evening- Bro. Reed Plunkett
"Lack of Holiness"
Scriptures: I Peter 1: 12-21. 2: 7-11, 3: 5-7
-Women and Men*** There's a difference between "Classy & Good" or  "trashy & bad"
-God ordained the husband to be the head of the household, not to treat the wife as a servant and the husband not be treated as a master.... but treat each other with love and respect.